I don’t often write about movies or review them but there is just so many negative reviews out there that miss the mark and even when the reviews are positive they manage to get things fucking wrong. It annoyed me. This started as a Facebook rant so the format doesn’t follow a normal format and is broken down into specific complaints
Tag: review
Jan 24
Hero Siege Review
Hero Siege1) A link to the game’s Steam store page. Normally I don’t link to a store, but it seems like the only page that had the right information for the game http://store.steampowered.com/app/269210/ Genre: Action: RPG, Rogue like Developer: Elias Viglione, Jussi Kukkonen Publisher: Panic Art Studios2)A link to the publisher website, they seem to just …
Oct 29
Rating System
Rating System Nearly all game reviews end with a summary and a number. Reviewers do all that writing but in the end their review gets boiled down to a single number. I’ll be honest, when I read a review I’m as likely to skip to the summary and that magical number as I am to read …
Oct 22
Villagers and Heroes
Villagers and Heroes1)You can see a few more screenshots from Villagers and Heroes here in the gallery section. Have you ever had a day where you knew you wanted to play a game but wasn’t sure which one? You knew none of the games you owned fit your mood so you go and browse the …
Oct 01
The Rise of Esports: Part 3
The Third and final part of the the Esports article. This covers the four major MOBAs, Heroes of the Storm, DOTA 2, Smite and League of Legends. I did some of the homework so you didn’t have to. The Rise of Esports: Part 1 The Rise of Esports: Part 2 So Why Should I Care? Well …
Aug 03
Diablo 3 Patch 2.3 and You
It’s no secret that a major patch for Diablo III is nearing. If you wanted you could go to battle.net right now and try it out on the Public Test Realm (PTR), but if you’re like me and you would think playing the game on a server that is just going to be wiped is …
Jul 30
Voxels, Trove and I
I’ve loved sims and sim like games since I got my hands on the original SimCity as a child. As technology progressed and computers were able to handle more complicated information the sim games increased in complexity and scope. I swear some of the SimCity like games out there are more complicated than running a …
Apr 03
Pillars of Eternity Review…Meh.
As my very small group of faithful readers will remember I wrote a rather strong rant about Pillars of Eternity a few weeks ago. It wasn’t about game play but more concerning the development process, their advertising propaganda machine and more specifically their retail price. This review isn’t about any of that but about actual …